A Change of Heart

We had a patient who began seeing us for Well-Woman care. She had several appointments with us over the last 6 months for various symptoms and testing. During her most recent appointment with our Nurse Practitioner, she casually mentioned that she was pregnant but already had an appointment scheduled at Planned Parenthood for an abortion.

During her appointment that day, we did a pregnancy test and discussed the importance of having an ultrasound prior to making a pregnancy decision. We were able to do her ultrasound that day. She was too early in the pregnancy to see what we needed so she was scheduled to return 2 weeks later.

She ended up bringing her boyfriend back with her to the ultrasound. He was very supportive of the pregnancy and when we followed up with her the day after her ultrasound, we learned the couple had decided to parent the baby!

This is affirmation that the model of being a proactive clinic, meaning we are providing services that create relationships, is crucial. We are there when women need us the most!